Working hard to finish ‘This Britain’ 9 and 10

So its well into February and this years Emsworth Arts Trail is fast approaching. In addition I am preparing some prints to display in the Salt and Sage Studio located in Petersfield at the end of March.

I think I have made some progress and crested the hill on ‘This Britain’ number 9 & 10. On ‘This Britain 9’, I have started the foreground which will see me complete the painting hopefully by the end of this month, which will mean that its taken me just 18 months from start to finish - a record time for me…looks like I am speeding up.

below: initial progress back in Nov 2022

initial rough to 'This Britain Number 9'

below: Feb 2024, almost complete, just working on figures on the pontoon and some detail in the background.

On ‘This Britain 10’ again, having putting this down for a few months too concentrate on number 9, I think it’s not too far off from being completed. Well at least ready for the Emsworth Arts Trail, although I think I will come back and tinker before I call it a day on this painting.

start to This Britain number 10 early 2022

a near complete painting, just some foreground and building in the back to finish off.


Ricksworld in Petersfield


Start of 2024